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Note: It is currently not boating season. We do not display flags when it is not boating season. We hope to see you again in the near future!

Predictive Model Outputs

These outputs are predictions of E. coli levels, based on real-time data that the CRWA collects about the weather and stream flow of the Charles River.

The model reports E. coli predictions by reach. Hover over the info icon to see which boathouses are associated with each reach.

The model only predicts E. coli, not combined sewage overflows (CSOs) or cyanobacteria blooms. These events may leave the Charles River unsuitable for recreational activities, even when the predictive model has a "safe" prediction.

Predictive Model for Reach 2

  • Community Rowing, Inc.
  • Newton Yacht Club
  • Northeastern's Henderson Boathouse
  • Paddle Boston at Herter Park
  • Watertown Yacht Club
Time Predicted E. coli Concentration (CFU) / 100 mL Safe

Predictive Model for Reach 3

  • Cambridge Boat Club
  • Harvard's Weld Boathouse
Time Predicted E. coli Concentration (CFU) / 100 mL Safe

Predictive Model for Reach 4

  • Boston University DeWolfe Boathouse
  • Riverside Boat Club
Time Predicted E. coli Concentration (CFU) / 100 mL Safe

Predictive Model for Reach 5

  • Charlesgate Yacht Club
  • Charles River Yacht Club
  • Paddle Boston at Kendall Square
  • Union Boat Club
Time Predicted E. coli Concentration (CFU) / 100 mL Safe