A unknown error occurred. It is likely that the database does not contain any data. Please contact the website administrator.
Note: It is currently not boating season. We do not display flags when it is not boating season. We hope to see you again in the near future!



CRWA’s water quality models are predicting blue flags at all boathouses, based only on E. coli bacteria predictions. Happy Boating!

Red flag for Community Rowing, Inc.
Community Rowing, Inc.
Red flag for Newton Yacht Club
Newton Yacht Club
Red flag for Northeastern's Henderson Boathouse
Northeastern's Henderson Boathouse
Red flag for Paddle Boston at Herter Park
Paddle Boston at Herter Park
Red flag for Watertown Yacht Club
Watertown Yacht Club
Red flag for Cambridge Boat Club
Cambridge Boat Club
Red flag for Harvard's Weld Boathouse
Harvard's Weld Boathouse
Red flag for Boston University DeWolfe Boathouse
Boston University DeWolfe Boathouse
Red flag for Riverside Boat Club
Riverside Boat Club
Red flag for Charlesgate Yacht Club
Charlesgate Yacht Club
Red flag for Charles River Yacht Club
Charles River Yacht Club
Red flag for Paddle Boston at Kendall Square
Paddle Boston at Kendall Square
Red flag for Union Boat Club
Union Boat Club


Below is a map showing the Charles River boathouses with their current flag statuses. Clicking on a flag will show the name of the boathouse.

( Last updated: None )